Japan's Panorama Steel Orchestra - Steelband Music Channel

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The Panorama Steel Orchestra from Japan is led by Yoshihiro Harada, a renowned pan soloist in his own right. Harada is also the orchestra's resident arranger. Regarded as the best steel orchestra in Japan, Panorama Steel Orchestra is led by producer, arranger and composer Yoshihiro Harada.

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  • Very well done sounds great the only thing that bothers me is that everyone wants to forward while here in T&T we have only 16 large bands and about 140 single pan bands ,hmmmmmm one wonders.


  • Great, rich tonal quality.  Is it the amplification?
  • Very elegant and intensive "Oriental steel-pan" sound! Good wishes
  • Proud to be a Trinbagonian!! We gave this to the world.

    I just wish my old friends of the movement who have passed on could experience this: Friends like - Lennox Pierre, Carlyle Kerr, Oscar 'Bogart' Pyle, John La Rose, Barong Arietas  Arthur 'BASS" etc etc etc.

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