Jonathan Scales - Muddy Vishnu [Official Music Video]

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Official music video for Jonathan Scales' "Muddy Vishnu" from the album "Character Farm & Other Short Stories" (2011) *.This incredible jazz performer definitely plays like "A panist from another Planet"!

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  • Good stuff, Sid, you've explained it better than i could have.
  • My first impression on listening to this album was that it was an innovative jazz album where the pan was just another instrument and even though it was the lead instrument, it was hardly "exotic" or "special".

    The pan was treated as a standard musical instrument.

    My second impression was validated by Mr Scales comments, in that the panist obviously didn't come out of the Caribbean influence of pan playing,so I appreciate why Mr Narine refers to him a "panist from another planet"

    As to the technical critiques, well, as with Panorama judging, that's not my forte.

    It's all in the ear of the beholder!

  • @Sidd - you're right, the foundation of this particular piece is composition, not improv (except the 4 measure improv breaks for each instrument thru out the piece)....check out the album!  thank you all for listening... overwhelmed by the response.  any questions?  

    @james - thanks for giving it a try. "muddy vishnu" was my take on the mix between Mahavishnu Orchestra and Muddy Waters. i'm actually glad you think mix-metered rock with set theory rows and Klangfarben influence on pan sounds generic! haha... that gives me a challenge, sir! i like your style

    @jozef - Daniel Judson is the master behind putting my vision on the screen

    @Bryan - thanks for watching! nah, one is lagging behind. people just have different influences and life experiences. i canNOT make the beautiful music of Trinidad like a Trini can!  so i'm left with my own strange ideas of sound, with a little influence from the avant-garde
  • While T&T panmen are lagging behind, in the dark ages of panorama, etc., this dude is forging ahead, dealing with some serious music.
  • Great video!
  • Maybe I'm not quite ready for all this but that piece, in my humble opinion was well... interesting. Kind of generic but interesting. The kid shows great promise. I'll be looking forward  to hearing more, from this obviously gifted and talented young man. I wish him well in all his future endeavors.
  • beautiful presentation, good composition, nice video shots, great camera filters, appears to be recorded well. A+!

    but in reality no girls are gonna be able to shake it to that

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