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  • Nice

  • Junior B and the Strollers; oh so smoooooth!

  • Great stuff,great singer.Had the pleasure of working with him.Greetings bro.

  • Junior Byron, sounds like you still got it bro. I've always enjoyed your music.

  • That's my buddy, Mr. Junior Byron!!

  • Yeah Bro. ... always sounding good ... back then  and still

    Best regards my brother


  • If I am correct the guitarist on this song is Sarge who now lives in the Durham region on the outskirts of Toronto
  • Junior Byron and the Cassanovas were big back in the day, Gons. Back then there were quite a few very good singing groups.

    Unfortunately I don't have much from the combos and singing groups of that era.

  • Memories of my youth hanging out at the Hilton listening to Junior Byron and the Cassanovas . He had one of the best versions of By the time I get to Pheonix . He was also the lead singer for Byron Lee at one time in his career . I believe he now lives in Toronto . Hey Glenroy if you have By the time I get to Pheonix , please post .
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