Katzenjammers Steel Orchestra "Shaver Man" (1957)

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A delightful calypso jam from the nineteen fifies.Remember the calypso "Shaver Man", old timers?Here it is from the Katzenjammers Steel Orchestra's 1957 album "The Enchanted Steelband".This band from Port of Spain, Trinidad was captained by Percy Thomas, who was a top ping pong (tenor pan) soloist of the day."Shaver Man coming down,He shaving the old and shaving the young"(This was one of those scary stories we heard as kids)

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  • This remind me of the days when i used to beat pan in Laventille, with the band BOUENA   VESTA that time the leader of the band was the great CARL  GREENIDGE..  WHO REMEMBER THEM DAYS''''''

  • It probably also depended on where you lived, too.

    I was living in the country, New Grant , at the time.

  • Talk for yourself, Brenda :)

    Some kids really believed there was a "Greenface Man " and a "Shaver Man".

    I guess it would depend on your age at the time!


  • Yeah, I remember that and the Green Face Man. Did Katzenjammers have any connection with Belmont?

  • De shaver man coming dong , he shaving de old and shaving de young . Shaver man coming dong .

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