Ken"Professor" Philmore on BET Jazz Central

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Outstanding performance by the Professor on BET's Jazz Gentral.The show is co-hosted by Vannessa Rubin, who seems to be familiar with pan, and famous singer Lou Rawls, who seem to be stuck somewhere back in the nineteen sixties.Great jazz, however.Enjoy.

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  • And do check this one out, Claude Gonzales. This is as mainstream as you can get!

  • A very animated and lively performance by the Professor. Masterfully done . Kudos as well, to the other musicians whose remarkable skills shone through the entire performance complimenting the wizardry of the Professor on the steel pan. Totally awesome.
  • That show was produced in 1995. Great performance!!
  • Music really enjoyable ! I could have done without the interview
  • Regardless of the year and Professor's hair or lack of it, :) it's a wonderful video. I forwarded it to some of my Trini friends and they all loved it..
  • I haven't a clue as to what year, but I know it was back when Professor had hair:)
  • Very Nice! Can someone tell me what year was this?
  • Thank you so much for posting this video...
  • Vanessa Rubin is Trin stock, a jazz vocalist, based in the US. She has been an act on 2 occasions at the Trinidad and Tobago Steelpan and Jazz Festival, hosted by the Queen's Royal College Foundation annually in October. She knows and has performed locally and internationally on shows which highlighted the steelpan. She is very familiar with Robbie, Boogsie etc.
  • but of course! vanessa rubin has trinidad roots....
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