Len "Boogsie" Sharp - Pan Night and Day

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When Steel Talks captures the legendary Len "Boogsie" Sharp as he performs the classic "Pan Night and Day" at the Moods of Pan Festival.

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  • Nothing can describe the man's ability but sheer genius. Somehow I feel that he still has not got the recognition in wider circles that he deserves and perhaps never will while he is alive.
  • Boogsie you just get better timeand again.
  • Bravo" Boogsie ". Beautiful rifs I never heard that tune played like that before .Keep up the good work and keep on what you are doing.
  • Plainly!He Is One of The Steel-Pan-Maestro! Above all.His"Golden-Hand-Touch"to the Steel-Pan!Be Conceive for Him!Great-Glory with Thank You........
  • Boogsie does all that "ramajaying" on the pans, and never loses Kitch's melody, as less skilled soloists might do sometimes.

  • Good Lord almighty!!! I play in Phase II and this performance STILL manages to drop my jaw!!!!! God bless this genius!!!
  • Boogsie is just the greatest panman that ever held a pair of pansticks. May Almighty God continue to Bless him and keep him. He is a super pannist and we give God thanks for him.
  • Oh Boogsie, Boogsie, Boogsie..... The Greatest
  • god given gift best ear and speed - totally different to any other of the greats
    remember at a pan shoot out in the early days at sparrows hideaway when the boys blindfolded him and he played the pans upside down
  • Sweet Music
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