Len "Boogsie" Sharpe & Leon "Smooth" Edwards play Forward Home

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Andre Tanker - Forward Home played by Boogsie on the PHI alongside Smooth on a double seconds pan.

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  • Yes, Patricia. Look for us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/PHI-PercussiveHarmonicInstrument/522... and follow us on Twitter @ PHIteam.
  • Thank you for the comprehensive explanation of the PHI. It was very informative.

    How exciting it is to have new developments in the pan.

  • Patricia, the PHI is the latest development in steelpan out of the Steelpan Laboratory, UWI. It is a MIDI-based instrument which allows musicians to access an infinite range of tones as well as authentic pan tones as heard in this video. The 36 notes of the PHI are layed out in the circle of 4ths and 5ths (tenor), spider-web layout which was popularized by Tony Williams for steelpan. This familiar layout allows pannists to easily gravitate to the instrument and enjoy the benefits of a MIDI/electronic instrument.
  • I am not familiar with the PHI. Could you tell me about it?
  • some more of that please I really enjoyed this video with the masters thank you.

  • Boogsie come like a freakishly genius mad scientist dey yes :-)
  • "Smooth, you need some mallets from Malletman", but I like the duo tho', coming from the two best Panorama arrangers.
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