Len "Boogsie Sharpe's "Musical Wine" by Phase II Pan Groove (1985)

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Trinidad Steelband Panorama Finals 1985.Someone mentioned Boogsie's Musical Wine, and I was reminded of this under appreciated musical gem from 1985..This musical masterpiece by "Boogsie" Sharpe must have been way too advanced for the panorama judges in 1985, because it placed dead last on Finals night.Today, however this can be recognized as a classic panorama arrangement by a master of the art form.

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  • I am wondering if "Andy" music was too advanced for the Judges with "My kinda music" that's why they ran Dead" last in the 2014 Semi-finals?

  • Oh gosh music!!! @ 6:43 - 7:10 Damn I miss this style....

  • The last of a particular type of arranging by Sharpe. Injustice or not, the music world benefited from Phase II's last placing. Boogsie went back home, worked hard and the following year, brought "new music" that took the pan world by storm.........only to lose [sic] to All Stars, on the final night. It was really something to see the people's reaction to the music of Phase II, in '86.

  • Pure sweetness !!
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