Len "Boogsie" Sharpe - YESTERDAY

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Audio only... He plays - You listen! It was a spontanious solo performance on the occasion of the Swiss Steel Day at EXPO.02 Arteplage in Neuenburg, 8th June...

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  • There is only one ,wow! ..........Genius

  • Happi Anniversary . .2012 . . ,Happi New-Year . . an Happi New U .. tuh de Greatest Evah Pan Player . . . Pan Arranger an Composer . . of this, an All previous Times . . May de blessins of Our Ancestors continue tuh pour on U . . as U  continue tuh shower us wid yuh Great Talent an Unique Muzic makin capabilities . . Live Long . . Stay Strong . . 4 U will Always Arong  . .

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