Lord Blakie - Valdez Coming

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The calypsonian Lord Blakie is something of an enigma.One of our most talented artists, he should have had a much more rewarding career.However, he wasn't a fake. He was truly of the streets, a gambler, a "sagaboy" and a badjohn.The story of this calypso is true, and someone, another bad john did cuff him in his mouth for singing it, and "bigging up" notorious San Juan badjohn Lance Scott.Incidentally the rumor I heard was that Lance Scott had killed a man and that killing was connected to the big steelband clash between San Juan All Stars, Desperadoes and Tokyo.

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  • "dey playing a Django, but I know dey fraid de cocoa".

    Back then, cocoa tea was said to be part of the diet in prison.

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