Lord Kitchener - Law And Order ( Licks in 66)

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In the 1950's and 1960's , some of the top steelbands in Trinidad were also the most violent , and steelband clashes were almost annual Carnival rituals.There was a pretty nasty one in Port of Spain on Carnival Tuesday , 1965 , so for Carnival 1966 , Lord Kitchener issued a stern warning to the steelbands . with an order of "licks for bad behavior in 66".From the 1966 album "Calypso Kitch" , here is calypso's Grand Master and "Law and Order"

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  • Glenroy, You know all this time I never knew that the name of this song was "Law and Order" I always knew it as "Licks in 66".

  • Glenroy,

                  You had to go there eh (lol) Ok Desperadoes was present, but only got involved because of the other warring bands. A couple of despers players and supporters were caught in the middle and were hurt by missiles thrown by the two other bands, so the boys from the Hills were merely defenders as always.  You talk about a fruit salad, I saw the raining shower of bottles (lol) There was talk that some members of the other 2 bands would seek revenge, so later on that Tuesday night last lap, Desperadoes had a big coca cola truck, but there were no sweet drinks, rather there were a lot of sweet drink bottles on the bed of that truck (lol)

  • Ian , I eh no "tong man" as you know  and I wasn't there, but i remember the 65 clash as the "Fruits and Flowers " clash.

    I remember that the great massman Cito Velasquez had a beautiful fancy sailor mas presentation called "Fruits and Flowers" and they were caught in the middle of the clash between the warring bands.

    They say Charlotte Street was like a fruit salad , wit fruits and flowers all over the streets.

    I believe one of the warring  bands was your band Desperadoes , Ian.

    They always seemed to be involved in clashes.

    No wonder they tried to change their image by changing their name to "Gay Desperadoes"  :)

  • Yes Glenroy, I remember the fracus of 1965 and it was again on Charlotte Street, 6 years after the one in 1959.

    I would not mention the bands involved, because there were more than two (lol)

  • Allyuh force me to upload dis video , with all de talk about steelband clash.

    And ah tink allyuh confusing 1965 with 1966

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