Lord Kitchener "(Return of) The Bull"(1969)

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Fed up with steelband violence, and especially with the destruction of Hylanders Steel Orchestra, Lord Kitchener issued a stern warning to the steelbands in 1969.If they did not stop the violence, he was going to establish discipline with "The Bull"(pistle).His warning must have worked, since there was little significant steelband violence after that :)And his threat was rewarded by Starlift, who won panorama that year with Kitch's fiery tune.However, Kitch was quick to see the changing times, and was soon singing praises to the steelband and its people.From Lord Kitchener's 1969 album,"King of The Road, here is "(Return of) The Bull"

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  • Memories of the days when on Ash Wednesday the newspaper headlines read something like "Steelbands Clash on Carnival Tuesday"!
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