Lord Kitchener - The Carnival Is Over

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Lord Kitchener - The Carnival Is Over

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  • Melody fadder!  Words to linger over.  And so timely.  He always was timely.  Paints a nostalgic picture of what is and was, from the very first words....."The sun is descending, the moon is approaching...and the crowd is gone!" Like he was psychic: "Seems like nobody is interested to carry on...." , and, "Where is all that music, that sounded so terrific?"  

    The heart of the Carnival is the music.  Where is that music, the music that drives the mas, the masquerader, the pan?  If the Carnival is not over, it at a dead end.

  • The Grand Master, no hands in the air required! Whatever the topic,whatever the mood... Kitch could make beautiful music and lyrics to remember.

  •  it would be nice to hear this played among other great pieces on carnival days in between the  soca noise

     the real grand master

  • Just last evening I was playing it for my wife and daughter. Added mix was Duvonne Stewart, and, Mavis John. Is it that the ability to write good lyrics and music is gone? So CXC, CAPE, Bachelors, Masters, waste of time then? These fellars, Kitch, Blakie, Sparrow, Spoiler, oh gorm, the list is so long - they did not have all dah set-a-papers. 

  • The perfect tune for the end of Carnival. The Grand Master was a true "Master".

  • This is a perfect example of Calypso and great music rhythm, that's why the steelpans played Kitch..

  • I share the sentiments of Glenroy Joseph especially "reluctantly went home". No tourist no clown. This tune is what I call groovy (way before the category).

  • Oh gord, this tune nice!
  • The greatness of the Grand Master.

    This calypso perfectly expresses the sentiments felt, especially as a youth, as las' lap ended, the clock turned over from Carnival Tuesday into Ash Wednesday, and one reluctantly went home, knowing that the Carnival was over.

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