Trinidad and Tobago Steelband Panorama Finals 1986 - Live!

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As a frequent visitor to Trinidad for carnival over the years, I realize that each Carnival season has its own particular flavor, though some are more memorable than others.The Carnival of 1986 was special, and memorable for many reasons.It was a short Carnival season that year, with Carnival occurring on the 10th and 11th of February.I remember hearing about the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster that day, January 28th as I waited in the airport terminal for my flight to Trinidad.To me, 1986 will also always be remembered as the year of the "Hammer".That year we observed the passing of pan legend Rudolf Charles, "The Hammer" and David Rudder won the Calypso Monarch title with his masterpiece calypso tribute to the legend.That was also the year ( and friend DJ would love this) that "All Stars drop de Hammer on dey rass in de Savannah".We had some great pan that year, with Lord Kitchener's "Pan Here to Stay" being the de facto pan tune of choice.I particularly liked Professor's Fonclaire version of the classic pan calypso, which somehow always makes me feel to "wine".Anyway, check it out for yourselves, pan people.Here is the 1986 Panorama Finals, Large band Category, Live from the Savannah.Enjoy!

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  • Glenroy,

    Thanks for this wonderful piece of history it was a joy listening and going back in time,but I just want to say something that is on my mind for a long time now and that is (Neal & Massy Trinidad All Stars is the best steel band in the whole wide world) their music always takes you into another zone, smooth is the only arranger that I see uses the tenor pan like no other arranger, the man is absoutley brilliant

  • Thanks Edgar. Give me a call at 316-9483.

  • Ian, my friend, what will we do without you? Your provision of indepth information on the bands, placings, judging and so on is like  music to the soul. Your contribution is indelible. Many have never sought to venture into this space of yours. Without the cold, hard facts it would be impossible. Keep up the good work. Look forward to meeting and greeting you again sometime soon. Pax et Amor, Mr. Wilson.

  • Congrats once again on your excellent posts Glenroy. This was indeed a memorable year for pan. Pan had really come to stay.

  • @Brenda  A 3-judge panel maximum is 300, and 500 with 5 judges.

    A 3-panel is actually 5 judges, A 5-panel is 7 judges.

    The highs and lows are thrown out. Example 100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95 and 94. The 100 & 94 are voided             so, 99+98+97+96+95=485. Say hello to Lloyd for me. Thanks.

  • Thanks Glenroy, Carlton and Brenda. We all have a part to play. (lol)


                    Pan Trinbago uses a 5-panel or a 3-panel judging system.  I do not know if this is because of economics (lol). At Panorama 1987, a 5-panel judging system was used and Phase II/Len Sharpe scored the highest points ever, 487=97.4%. in 1986 a 3-panel system was used so that is why the points were 293. However the %age is 97.67, which is a bit higher than Phase II. 

  • Thank u for the timely response to my question. Re: Brenda,  Re: Ian  Kudo's I am so glad to be a member of When Steel Talks and surrounded with knowledgeable Pan people is a blessing indeed.

  • Any one knows how the bands placed in 1986?

  • Thank you, Ian.

    We are indeed fortunate to have your knowledge base as part of this forum.

    Don't know about anyone else, but I certainly appreciate it.

  • @Brenda, This is the 1986 Panorama results.

    All Stars=293, Phase Ii=292, Fonclaire=285, Pandemonium=283, Renegades=282, Pamberi=281,                 Desperadoes=280.5, Exodus=279, {Eastside and Nutones=275}, Tokyo=274, Deltones=264

    All Stars/Leon Edwards established a record for the highest winning %age 97.67.

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