Lord Melody - Belmont Jackass (Melody's response to Sparrow's "Madame Dracula")

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In the heat of the 'picong' battles between the Mighty Sparrow an the Lord Melody, mighty verbal blows were thrown by both.I'm not sure who responded to who, but I do know that Melody's "Belmont Jackass" was a vicious counterpunch to Sparrow's "Madame Dracula".Though I maintain that Sparrow won the overall war, (Andy Narell) I'd say this round was a draw !

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  • Dis is "Fatigue" of the Very Best and a Calypso Classic of the Highest Order. Melo and Sparrow knew how to entertain. Could you say where the Title " Belmont Jackass" originated . Was it a form of Transport before Vehicles came? Thanks.

  • Glenroy, this is very nice indeed. Do you remember the name of the calypso which Melo sung about Sparrow. The last line of the chorus goes like this.

    "Sparrow  walks like a girl with his hair always platte and curl"

    I was wracking my brains in trying to remember the name of this song.

    Continue with your great contribution to Pan Times/WST.



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