Maestro - "Champion of the Road' (Maestro '76)"

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Years ago, during the glory days of pan on the roads of Trinidad and Tobago, the steelbands determined who won the annual Carnival Road March competition.Back then,calypsonians tried their best to influence the bands' tunes of choice, since a Road March title also meant prize money.Here, calypsonian/ panist Maestro (Cecil Hume) advises the steelbands how best to select their tunes for the road, to ensure a fair selection of the "Champion of the Road".Cecil was also a friend and a leader of a steelband from Princes Town which he brought to Sando one year to join my band WASA Silvertones. I believe this was about 1971, if memory serves.He also brought his band to join Free French from Sando on another occasion.Like many calypsonians, he had real pan creds.Maestro died way too young in an auto accident in 1977.R.I.P. Cecil Hume. We've missed you.

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