Merrymakers Steel Orchestra - "Little Darling", "Doctor Nelson" (1958)

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The Merrymakers Steel Orchestra of Port of Spain was one of the smoothest and most professional sounding steelbands back in 1958 when this Cook recording was made, and no wonder, since they had a regular gig at the posh Normandie Hotel where this recording was made.You can even hear the waiter accidentally interrupting the proceedings and exclaiming "Yuh making a record!" as the band begins to play it's version of the 1958 pop hit " Little Darling"."Doctor Nelson(Take tisane de dubois)" by Nelson Cato was a popular calypso of the day, and the Road march for 1957.Incidentally, Southern All Stars are also featured on this album, and pan and guitar virtuoso and Rock Steady legend Nerlin "Lynn" Taitt has identified himself in an interview as the panist at the top of the picture in a blue striped shirt. Unfortunately his head is missing.

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  • The Sweetness of Pan cannot be denied , that sound , that beat, it flows in the veins of all Lovers of this Magical Instrument . Dr. Nelson was actually an advertisement for Tisane  with lovely music and an easy sing along , so it took the Road by storm. Thanks GRJ .

  • Good memories of Normandie and St. Anns !!

  • Thanks, Glenroy for sharing history with the pan lovers of the world.

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