Merrytones Steel Orchestra- Austin "Blue Boy" Lyons' "Fete" arranged by Kendall Lewis

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From the 1990 album "The Heart of Steel" Blue Boy's (Super Blue) "Fete" arranged by Kendall Lewis and performed by Merrytones Steel Orchestra.

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  • CAPTAIN ERIC!!! What are you talking about? I learned sooo much from you, cap. Small world. I have to go now, but I'll keep in touch. One love. GHOST (Goddard)

  • Yes indeed you were Ghost...but this abbreviated recording however, is from the Music Festival of latest that year where we won the Best Calypso playing Fete...I'm Eric...I know you may not remember me after all those years but that's ok..think still owe me an answer from another recent post...ttyl

  • Wow! I am actually one of the tenor pan players on this one. I think it was Panorama 1984. I played that and Scrunter's "The Will", and Merrytones is my band FOREVER! When everyone was leaving for other bands, I stayed, and "bigged up" my community of Diego Martin. That is why, to this day, I still get love, anywhere on "De Main Rd." (Dillion St., Mason St., Bagatelle, Coveigne Rd., Cemetry St, Church St.) Special shout out to we flagwoman,  Mamma Cita. I immigrated to the US, after playing with them for two years (Panorama and Stage Side), and by the time I returned in the early nineties, they were already reduced to a "medium band", due to attrition (of players running to "bigger bands". I still play with Merrytones whenever I'm in Trinidad for Carnival. THANK YOU, so much, for posting this clip, Glenroy; it's brining back a whole lot of memories (smoke and beer filled nights of drilling in de panyard...)


  • Many thanks Glenroy...please post the 'Hebrides Overture' form the same CD when you get a chance

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