New York Pan Stars - Spain

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New York Pan Stars performing Spain at Despers USA 2011 Launch. Also present were CASYM, Sonatas, Pantonic, Steel Sensation, East Side, Higher Levin, D'Radoe...

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  • hi i am the yougest person in the band my name is raven this is a great band join
  • @Valentine - I totally agree with you.  Their performance was impressive.
  • This young Steelband could be the band of the future in New York. They are a well balanced group of youths who seems dedicated to the pan culture. The band has a very sweet - lush sound which is very pleasant to the ear. Their young arranger Marc Brooks seems that he would have a bright future and has a lot of new ideas. Under the guidance of Lincoln this band will go a long way.  They were definitely the best playing and sounding band of the night. Good Luck to them.
  • Great Job Marc.
  • Very Very intensive performance with airy Steel-Pan Sound!Great Thank`s.........
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