"Pal" Joey Lewis Orchestra - Peanut Vendor

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Band leader "Pal" Joey Lewis is one of the most talented and versatile musicians of Trinidad from the1950s to today.An accomplished composer and arranger, he established himself as one of the best guitarists in Trinidad before devoting himself to keyboards, on which he was just as skilled.Here he is with his version of the popular Cuban song "Peanut Vendor" (El Manisero).

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  • Joey how yuh music SWEET SO. For some reason there are many who think that the Lewis family should contact the Government or the Ministry of Culture for some assistance. I have said that the family had being trying to get some assistance from these bodies but to no avail, and this is why, and with the family's permission I decided to make this sad news public. Mrs. Judy Lewis don't have the time to beg for anything.. With the help of friends and well wishers we all can make dent towards his daily needs.

    Thank you.

  • Combo Music!!!

  • I should have added that Joey's Saga was recorded in 1960 or there about while still a very young man and did not have a band at that time of any count. Unfortunately Joey isn't too well which I was told by someone who visited him.  Probably at the first dance to be held at the Hilton Hotel, Sel Duncan was the band,but during the intermission Joey was invited to play the piano which he did with aplomb with some selections from Stanley Black's Cuban Moonlight LP

  • I have to disagree with the comment that Joey's band was a top dance band in the 50s and 60s. In fact his band was never in the class of Sel Duncan, Cito Fermin, Tex Williams, Dutchys Fitz Vaughn Bryan. As guitarist he was not in the class of Lio Richards&,Les Sargeant from whom  he got that arrangement. Les' guitar with Fitz Vaughn's band shows up Joey's own.This is not to say that he was not a great musician, but he's in the class of Joe Chet Sampson,and Freddie Harris. That recording is an update of his original which featured tinbales, maybe for the first time in a local recording of a dance band. By far the most popular band of the 50s and 60s was Sir Sel Duncan. The most popular band up the island was The Dutchys.

    Teddy Pinheiro

  • wonderful glenroy

     thanks for sharing

  • In the late fifties and early sixties, the Joey Lewis Orchestra was probably the most popular dance band in T&T and the Eastern Caribbean. Band leader Joey Lewis is one of the most talented and versatile musicians to emerge from T&T.
    A prolific composer and arranger, he was also a master of the guitar and keyboards, and was probably the first authentic T&T "guitar hero" of the early rock and roll era.
    His band was the first music band that I fell in love with as a child, from the moment I heard the first few guitar licks of his hit "Joey's Saga" playing on a jukebox.
    I recently came across the issue of Billboard Magazine for the week of June 30th, 1962, and under the listing "British West Indies" , the number two hit was "The Peanut Vendor" by Joey Lewis.
    Here is The Joey Lewis Orchestra , featuring Joey on guitar, and "Peanut Vendor".

    As the Mighty Sparrow would say, "Oh guitar, Joey".

  • Just great !!!

  • WOW  Thanks so much GlenRoy ! Made me get and move.

  • Joey still sound good today as he sound in the 50's.He has his own style on the guitar.

  • As kids we always tried to play that Intro on the guitar ; it was soooo popular . Joey and his band surely has the distinction of being the longest ( In terms of Time ) performing band ever here in T+T . A Trini Icon I must say .

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