Pan Am Jet North Stars Steelband - Maria

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This rare 1965 RCA-Victor album is among my personal favorite in my vinyl collection. This stereo copy is in rough condition, but I have cleaned it up and boosted the EQ levels to try and preserve the music. Led by Anthony Williams, who also arranged the music, this Trinidad-based group had an amazing sound and made well known songs their own. I hope you enjoy this piece of music history!

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  • Is there an actual video of any of Pan Am's performances that we can look at as they play?

  • Great music


    *Feliz cumpleaños Kenneth! Espero que esta nueva etapa este cargada de bendiciones y éxito en cada cosa que emprendas.

    Good luck on your near-future mission of reintroducing the pan and steelband movement in Venezuela.

  • Happy birthday, Kenneth, best wishes......

    And nice work on the equalizer, PT.Couldn't have done better myself :)

  • What a fond memory hearing this tunes on my 60th birthday. I was born, grew up, performed and toured with the the Pan Am Jet North Stars Steel Orchestra in the 60s. Thanks

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