Pan Coalition - Atlantic Clarion Steel Band

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Pan Coalition - Atlantic Clarion Steel Band perform at the Montreal International Steelpan Festival.

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  • What type of comment is that Maltilda and Yellow bird is part of our West Indian Heritage If you do not want to be associated with the "classical" tunes of our culture then to me that is ashow of disrespect.
  • Great Performance in Montreal, the excellent hardwork is paying off.
  • Way to go you guys. Wish I could have been there playing with you this year, but it wasn't meant to be. It's great to see young faces playing with so much joy and enthusiasm. I miss it for sure, and wish I could transplant some of your attitude to my students out here. I'm proud to see you guys representing in such grand fashion! Great job Nigel and everyone else!
  • I was there when they performed in Montreal from the beginning.They have greatly improved I enjoy them a whole lot.
  • I am looking forward of making a few links in Japan or UK,if anyone can help me in this area,it will be great.
    I am looking for new contract on steelpans.
  • I was very impressed with this band. For me, growing up in Belmont,on the circular road, I remember some of the bands that used to go by our home. This little band reminded of those days. This " Atlantic Clarion" organization was first rate. I really enjoyed the arrangment. It had some of the unique pan technique and subtle rythum changes that I think a pan ( band ) should have. What was especially great, was that you could actually make out all the sections and what they were playing. Not like some of the new 120 member bands. Great stuff!!!!! There is nothing like a good steel band.
  • To whom it may concern,I would like to see a little more information on the Steelpan Organization as regards where they are from...I know steelpan now is world give some information on their origin...I am Trini and have been living in USA for 39 years...and know my steelpan from do not have to tell me where Despers are from and Allstars etc...for example this email that you sent me "Atlantic Clarion" i can not read anything about this panside...
  • Just want to say I am very pleased to hear this band. Congratulations to the arranger and all the members and definitely keep on "not accomodating!"
  • When one thinks of the state of Maine in the USA one thinks of shipbuilding, fishing and the sea. The steelpan instrument or a major steelband is not what one would normally associate with the USA’s northernmost state. And yet inexplicably this is exactly what we have in the Atlantic Clarion Steel Band. During the recent Montreal International Steelpan Music Festival, When Steel Talks got to see and hear Atlantic Clarion Steel Band in action as part of the Pan Coalition performing side, of which Atlantic Clarion is a significant portion. The additional members hail from a couple smaller bands also located in Maine.

    The Atlantic Clarion Steel Band is indeed a serious music outfit. No ‘straw-hatted men in banana shirts playing “Yellowbird” and “Matilda” on the cruise ship dock’ - as their website give fair warning. No “accommodating” steelband here...
    click for more
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