"Pan in A Minor" by Fonclaire (Panorama Finals 1987)

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By 1987, Fonclaire still had that regional south band sound.That bouncy exciting arrangement style was prevalent with the South bands.This enjoyable arrangement by Ken "Professor" Philmore of Kitch's "Pan in A Minor" exemplifies that sound.Those were the days before all bands started using the same panorama formula.I love this arrangement, it is one of my favorites.

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  • Very Good Arrangement!
  • Thanks GRJ. Vintage Fonclaire ; Sweet as Ever . I became very Emotional watching this Vid as the Cowbell Player behind Professor is Raphael Passee (aka Rayfee) my first Pan Tutor, a Cultural Ambassador for T+T as he was a Member of the National Steelband which performed in Expo 67 in Canada representing Fonclaire. His Brother Steve Regis was also  in that Band to Expo 67 representing Texaco West Stars along with Bobby Mohammed from Guiness Cavaliers and Michael Allen from Scarlet Symphony . Steve and Rayfee both played with Sundowners and  West Stars and Rayfee joined his Bro -in law Milton " Wire" Austin when Fonclaire started . Rayfee was a Big Bro to many of us and I Pray that he is at Peace .
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