"Pan in Danger" by Merchant (T&T Dimanche Gras 1985)

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The late great Calypsonian Merchant expressed his opinions on the state of pan at the Calypso Monarch finals, T&T Dimanche Gras 1985.Here, he is supported by Len "Boogsie"Sharpe, but unfortunately the pan is inaudible due to sound problems that night.The sound may not be the best, but the calypsonian's wit comes through. I particularly like the statement:"..Another top steelband left the country...fifteen years in existence...... their instruments thrown in the road and that is really absurd"Unfortunately, I can relate.Back in the day, we just left them to rust away.Merchant was a great composer and performer. He composed many hits for other calypso singers.Unfortunately he left us in his prime.His passing was a very sad loss to the artform

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  • But I think Pan still in Danger !

  • Glenroy, your vintage pan and calypso videos and audios are greatly appreciated.  Frankly, I find it inexcusable that the mics and sound for Merchant, 4 back-up singers and an entire band are all working fine for a 6-minute performance.  Why is the mic for the pan not working? Why did the performance begin with a dead mic on the pan?  It is ironic that "Pan in Danger" is the tune with one of the greatest players on tenor pan and not one note is being heard.  There has been such deep, troubling disrespect and disregard for the art form, there is certainly a need for some therapy in T&T.  Of course, Merchant's lyrics and delivery are outstanding...truly a tremendous loss the pan and calypso art forms.

  • THANKS Glenroy...you post so many classics that I would NEVER have been able to hear, except by your kindness !  What a blessing.

  • Whatever else anyone says about Dennis Williams, The Merchant, one cannot deny that he was a great calypsonian, a fine performer and an outstanding composer of meaningful lyrics.

    RIP, Merchant !

  • To us the members of the Network Rapso community the late great Dennis William Franklin was more than just a great composer / song writer / performer he was also a true friend, brother an inspiration, an adviser, and genuine supporter of all our initiatives. We are forever grateful / thankful for all his contribution to the organization in spirit he would always be with us ( R.I.P. MY BROTHER YOU WILL ALWAYS  BE REMEMBERED )
  • The Merchant was one of the greats. His message of pan in danger is still relevant today.
  • What a talent. I love his music.
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