"Pan is Mine" by Colin Lucas

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Calypsonian/ Panist Colin Lucas sings and shows off his pan skills.at Champs in Concert 2000.

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  • Colin was also one of the best "combo" band arrangers/leaders with Sound Revs...



    We should be really proud of our land of oil and music...

  • thank you for this one.
  • A very good Panist and calypsonian. Sounding good.
  • Good feelin......every-moment......all in all...........
  • Thank you Mr. Joseph for sharing this work of art with us. Colin's music, lyrics, pan skills and performance are awesome! It take pan in the right direction. Steelbands going on tour should include calypsonians like Colin and Oba. The world music market is primarily vocal. Most artistes sing. A rejuvenated relationship between pan and calypso may drive both art forms to even greater heights. Great performance!
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