Pan On D'Avenue III - Trinidad, 2014 - Part 1

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The best of Pan Music on the streets of Port of Spain, Trinidad - 08/24/2014. Footage by TV4, Trinidad & Tobago - the country's No 1 for National Entertainment Channel

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  • I see the late George Bailey jumping up in there, pan to the bone!

  • Very good performance by all steelbands and people involved.

  • A  guy just said Renegades last panorama win was 1997 is that true?

  • Fantastic!  Great performances, excellent recording!

  • The show was great. My band All Stars and Renegades represented the guests from outside of Woodbrook very well indeed!

  • Great show.  I hope Woodbrook Day happens again next year

  • WE watched it live. It was great looking forward to 2015.

  • I was there in 2012, had a great time

  • Pan on d 'Avenue was organized initially for the people of Woodbrook. Woodbrook being the cultural hub of Trinidad. Today, we the members of Woodbrook/St. James Community Association along with Former Councillor Cleveland Garcia stand proud of our event Pan on d 'Avenue. This event is usually held on the Saturday before Independence so start planning for next year and don't miss out. This year we honoured 16 Top Steel Band Arrangers and we merged Zumba Routines with the Pan, What will it be next year? Stay tuned.

  • And this was live on that night!

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