" Pan on de Road" Carnival 2007 featuring Trinidad All Stars , playing "The Good , The Bad and The Ugly" , arranged by Neville Jules.

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Pan on the road Carnival 2007 featuring Trinidad All Stars, Pan Knights and Rythm Section.A Taste of carnival in T&T.I just wish that the announcers would talk less and let the music flow !!

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  • All Stars on the road at Carnival 2007 , playing a Neville Jules arrangement of "The Good , the Bad and the Ugly" ( wish the commentator weren't so talkative )

  • This video of Trinidad All Stars on the road in 2007 features another Bomb tune arranged by the Master. Neville Jules.

    Check out Ennio Morricone's theme from Clint Eastwood's "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly", played by Trinidad All Stars on the road in 2007.
  • Why do they use powder?
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