Pan on the Road - VI carnival 2013 - Rising Star Steel Orchestra

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Here is a serious video of what pan on the road is suppose to be like. VI carnival 2013 - Rising Star Steel Orchestra.

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  • Really! What Carnival rhythm-pulse........

  • Just like I remember!
    Thanks to "The Inmates of the Musical Insilam" in 1992
  • wow nice

  • Virgin Islands carnival has always been special, and steelbands have always been an important part.

    I've enjoyed Carnival in St Thomas, and hope to return there in the near future.

    In the late sixties, after we migrated to St Croix, my friends and I, mostly from Marabella and Sando formed a steelband in St Croix, and we enjoyed playing on the streets there at the Three Kings Day carnival..

    I have always maintained that an over emphasis on  the Panorama competition at Carnival time prevented the growth and development of new and more efficient ways of displaying the steelbands on the streets.

    I strongly believe that the road is still the best place to display the power and beauty of the steelband, if it is done properly.

    The construction of the racks of this St Thomas band shows promise, and new ideas such as the double decker layout of the structures presented here have to be considered if we are serious about having the steelbands of T&T reclaim their place as the driving musical force behind Trinidad's carnival.

    While we(Trinidadians, I mean) sit around talking about what cannot be done, others are showing us how.

  • I have never seen a band of this size on the road before, the racks/floats are awesome, and I might add well constructed judging from the amount of wining displayed by the players.
  • Trinidad used to be like this with 100 players on de road.  I have attended St. Thomas Carnival for more than 25 years and have experienced the growth of Rising Stars since their inception.  This footage is at Post Office Square where the judges and TV cameras are.  The sound of the Rising Stars on the narrow streets with buildings on both sides is incredible.  I have played cowbell with this band many times!

    Where is John Hodge and Justin Petty?

  • The US Virgin Islands "Rising Stars Steel Orchestra", is the brain child of the VI court system to help keep at risk youngsters out of trouble and out of jail. I am very proud of these kids..

  • NICE  thanks

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