"Panman overs that" by Johnny King (1986)

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In a fine performance , Calypsonian Johnny King expresses his opinions on the state of Pan in T&T at the Dimanche Gras Competition in 1986.Agree with him or not, this is worth hearing for its sweet melody and outstanding solo work by "Professor" Ken Philmore.

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  • Let's hope that we can keep things in perspective so that one day , like Johnny King , we can say " Panman overs that".

  • Thanks so much Glenroy for sharing. Loved this one & the other calypsos that feature pan--really great. And the other old school soca were so fun, too. Truly, I have learned so much music from this website. Thanks Glenroy for being such a loyal participant and so generous to share with comments and music. I don't have a great collection to share, and little knowledge, but I sure can learn and enjoy from you. Thanks again.
  • Real nice tune & excellent performance by de boss Professor Ken.
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