Panorama Finals 1990 - Large and Traditional Bands

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Performances by Large and Traditional Steelbands from Panorama 1990.Unfortunately there is a break in Fonclaire's "Pan by Storm"for tape change(at about 2:50).IMHO this was Professor's best work, and Fonclaire should have won that year. This was one of the most exciting panorama performances ever.This was the year that Lord Kitchener heard Pan "dingolay-ing', and I included his classic calypso as a bonus.Enjoy.

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  • got it right this thanks for the wonderful memories
  • I agree with Kenneth Clarke and his sentiments.I'm a lover of all Pan music but I'd like to see a wider range of the Traditional Bands for example there was another band which won the 1991 or 1992 Traditional Bands Panorama together with Worldwide Steel Orchestra and I'm not seeing this video anywhere.All these pan shows were recorded but yet still the organisers never made it possible for the bands to listen to the recording.They were never even put on the current year's recording for sale.Tough luck, really, for the bands which are not from the Northern region.
  • more of these panorama arrangements must be made available to keep the culture alive and appreciated .
    keep up the blessed job
  • This 'pan 'round de neck" music is so infectious, you just have to dance. I can't get enough of it.
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