Fonclare - Panyard Judging Down South - San Fernando - 2015,01,28 - Trinidad & Tobago

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Panyard judging - by Hollis Clifton

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  • I've listened to a lot of bands and most of them are very,very hard on the ears due to crazy runs, etc., but as expected, Ray has put together another beautiful arrangement that's exciting yet easy on the ears. My only disappointment is not being there to play in the band myself.

  • Love it ,keep it up 

    Love it keep it up Fonclaire

  • NICE !

  • I might be a little biased as i know Professor personally,but this is a great tune,a great rendition,congrats to Fonclaire,on their 50th anniversary,all the best,and its time another south band win the big one ,lets go.

  • Sweet pan coming from the southland. Kudos to Professor ,Wire and the past and present members on achieving 50 years in the business.

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