Patrick Arnold is Out! - Revenue Generation for future Pan Endeavours (Interview part 3)

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Cock-A-Doodle-Doo on Gayelle TV! Monday 26th October 2009. One day after the general meeting of the PanTrinbago executive Patrick Arnold is voted out, placed by Mr. Keith Diaz. In this interview with Robert Clarke, Arnold speaks out about his time at the head of PanTrinbago, Len 'Boogsie' Sharp's comments on pan as well as his plans for the future.Interview part Three.

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  • This is a good thing for pan. I think that Mr. Arnold tried his best,but his best was not good enough to carry Pantrinbago and the pan people to greater heights, that they are capable of. I welcome the change, and with change should come new ideas that should benifit the panmen. I hope that Mr. Keith Diaz and his admistration will take up the mandate that is given to them and make Pantrinbago and T&T very proud. Good luck.
  • Sat-Nam...All the Best,Patrick.
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