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rough no edits. just to remember the vibe.

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  • Greetings! Just two words -- Great! Great! Guidance Dr. Lance Seunarine

  • Did anyone notice Aria Bartholomew, the nine year old tenor player in her first panorama, playing in front. I've known her since 2010 and I was pleasantly shocked when I saw her playing in the chile baaad. Her technique is something to behold. She, may have added points to the performance.

  • You know the music great when you see St. Cyr smiling!! Gazo must be dancing. Wonderful performance Phase.

  • Congratulations to my comrade, Terry Bernard. one of the hardest working stalwarts in the band. As I told you after the performance, there was no doubt in my mind. Your hard work paid off, my brother....bask in the glory and continue spreading more love. As I told Boogsie, he never ceases to amaze. He has definitely taken over the mantle, from Clive.

  • That was just sheer GENIUS!!!  Boogsie is like a mad scientist when it comes to his music.  Congratulations on a well played piece!

  • kats imai's Experience

    Sound Engineer

    Fos Production

    September 2008Present (4 years 6 months)

    -Recorded the whole season of the panorama competition of 2009, Pan In 21st Century and Memory Lane (2009), Summit Sensation (2009) for UTT Archive, Panyard Sensation (2008) for TDC and World Steelpan Festival (2008) for Pantrinbago.
    -Hired by Fos Production for recordings and music production.
    -Worked for UTT for Archival Recordings including series of Indian Classical Music Seminars.
    -Co-produced Clive Bradley’s “Anthology” CD Album (On-going project) with Yoichi Watanabe, Instructor of Music Technology / Caribbean Sonic Art.

  • Two words people..."motivic development"...that's how you produce a panorama winner

  • NEVER ONCE lost in Boogsie's syncopated rhythms!! PHASE II played with AUTHORITY, MATURITY AND INTEGRITY...A CRESCENDO to die for, in the MINOR KEY!! Say WHAT!! Pannists, listen and learn!!

  • Upload to youtube from Kats Imai...

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