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Carnival TV feature on Petrotrin Phase II Pan Groove for Panorama Finals 2011. Interviews with Ray Hollman and Len "Boogsie" Sharpe

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  • Apart from this is that we must respect what we do have,relevant to the steelpan,,regardless of what origin or race,,or culture theperson is,,,,for MUSIC  HAS NO BORDERS,,,,ETC,,,,ETC,,,ETC,,,the truth.

  • Dis is how it deh,,,i meself would die fuh pan,,,time fuh we wake up,,,pan nobody kan stop,no matter what,,,Amen...
  • Come on, guys, be real.

    This video is about the interview. Who cares about the background, its just for atmosphere.

    This interview preceded Phase II's performance, and the performing band was clearly identified. 

    Personally, I think that these interviews add a lot of  value to the performance video.

  • @ DJ and KC are we picking on Advance Dynamics again. LOL
  • In the beginning of the video, the background is some band playing 'Calling Me', sung by Destra. Phase 2 clearly did not play that for panorama. You can hear when Phase 2 comes in later on, just before Ray Holman is brought in
  • There is another band in the background other than Phase 2
  • Dear KC

    What has starlift and Valley Harps have to do with this clip?

    I certainly did not hear either band in the background, just PHASE.


  • Two things stood out for me in this interview.

    Boogsie's statement that he couldn't pay the players for the work they put in, so he just had to thank them for playing his music.

    This statement explains a lot about Trinidad Pan Culture to all who can hear.

    The other point was the love and appreciation Boogsie showed for Ray Holman, when he went out of his way to acknowledge Mr Ray as his mentor.
  • Thanks for the clip, but this back ground music is Starlift not Valley Harps. Please correct it
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