Phase II Pan Groove from inside the band

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This is a video from inside Phase II on stage of our final night performance at the National Panorama Large Bands Finals 2015. One can see yours truly scratching away in the rhythm section.

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  • It's sad to listen to you "Monday Morning Quarterbacks." When are we going to come to the realization that there are practical issues which affect the judging of Panorama? How many of those who adjudicated Panorama this year have ever arranged (or could ever arrange) a panorama tune? That should be a criterion to qualify as a judge. (I'll take my licks on this!) Listen to the experts. Remember Pelham's take on the judges:

    Just buy the CD/DVD, enjoy the music--the creativity of the arrangers, the skill of the young players, etc.-- and hope that the pannists are adequately rewarded for their culture capital, for example, share in the royalties from CD/DVD sales. 

    I envision the day when the competition among steelbands would be in terms of creative projects which could uplift pannists, steelbands and their communities. We need a "national endowment for steelbands" whose  functions would include the allocation of grants for competitive projects that advance the cause of pannists.


  • MUSICALLY; I say, (1) Phase II, (2) Renegades, (3) Desperadoes, (4) Fonclair, I am dealing strictly from a musical stand point, the rest of band's played a lot of recycled music, especially "All Stars, like I was hearing "Woman on the Bass" all over again, I reitirate Pan Am North Stars who gave Panorama it's form/idiom, never played any part of "Dan is the Man in the Van" in 1964s "Mama Dis Is Mas", nor "Mama Dis Is Mass" in 1965s "Hold On to Your Man", no musician ever repeat's or plays the same solo or variation twice, it becomes monotonous and boring...
  • Now that the 2015 Panorama CD and DVD are out for our listening and viewing I must say that there was injustice to the South/Central bands as usual especially that fantastic and clean rendition by Tropical Angel Harps and NLCB Fonclaire . Both these bands have the same veteran arrangers for years in Clayton Morris and Ken Professor Philmore . Even the late great Clive Bradley spoke highly off these two former rivals.  

  • The timing was off. It should have been a bit faster to bring out the "Happiness" aspect. I had said this when I heard it on stage. It was played faster in the yard during the practice. There  goes the 9 points stretch. Today, the music should be faster.

  • A poor defense of their title with a so so calypso, , ole sounding tenors and a subpar Boogers arrangement.Eat yourbiscuit and hush yuh mouth Phase11.: 2nd place was a gift from the judges.Another insult to Desperadoes.
  •  of course a winner- but no 3peat- pan trinbago dont want to let go of the trophy

  • Winner

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