Phase II Pan Groove -'Mind yuh business" arranged by Len"Boogsie" Sharpe(1996)

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This Len "Boogsie" Sharpe arrangement placed second in Panorama 1996.This was another winning collaboration between Boogsie and calypsonian Denyse Plummer, and was composed by Len "Boogsie" Sharpe and Alvin Daniel

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  • Sherwin, Phase 11 played Mind Yuh Business in 1996.  Annise Hadeed arranged the tune up to the Semi Final and placed 4th.  A couple days before the Final in 1996, Boogsie Sharp came in and totally scraped Annises' arrangement and did over Mind Yuh Business entirely with his (Boogsie's) arrangement and Phase 11 placed 2nd in the Finals.

    So my question was, did any other STEELBAND ever had two different arrangers of the SAME TUNE in the same Panorama year, and placed in the top three on Final Night? 

  • Yohan Popwell did it with Bandoleros and he won in both TnT and Brooklyn.

  • Good good memories of the past!!  Ian, did any other Steelband ever had two different arrangers of the SAME TUNE in the same Panorama year as Phase 11 did in this particular year, and placed in the top three on Final Night?

  • Your point is well taken, Alvin, and I totally agree with you.They say if you are not part of the solution you're part of the problem.

    I will make every effort whenever I can to be part of the solution.

    I must also mention that as a culture we are only just beginning to credit the behind the scenes people responsible for producing that culture.

    As a music collector, I've found it very frustrating that the liner notes of many of my older Trinidad music albums are only filled with fluff, with little menttion of  players,pantuners,producers,composers, arrangers etc.


    To this day in the calypso world there is still questions about who really composed many great calypsoes of the past.

    This is why this forum has become the most important development in advancing our culture in decades, since it has become the forum of record where such information can be shared.

  • Thanks Glenroy. I did not want to imply that you meant any disrespect and I appreciate your making available the videos to pan lovers worldwide. I just wanted to highlight a a beef that many of the songwriters that I speak with have about credits. And you are right about being guided by commentators, writers and others. We never forget to say Rogers and Hammerstein, acknowledging that Rogers did the melody and his co-composer the lyrics. Yet we hesitate to say Len "Boogsie" Sharpe & Anthony "Lexo" Alexis; Ray Holman & Dennis "Merchant" Williams; Pelham Goddard & David Rudder; Edwin Pouchet & Alvin Daniell; Len "Boogsie" Sharpe & Gregory "GB" Ballantyne; Mark Loquan, Ken "Professor" Philmore & Destra Garcia; Brian "Bean" Griffith & Alvin Daniell; etc. It is customary to put the composer of the music first and the lyricist second. Let us begin to acknowledge all of our creative composers whether they come up with the melody or lyrics.
  • True it is all copy rights should be respected, but never the less Glenroy's musical gems are our main source of first class information here in Europe. (And of cause Thanks to WST!!!)

    The creative inspiration for my youth steel orchestra comes from these two archives!

    Thank you very much.

  • Alvin, I truly regret the oversight, and I certainly meant no disrespect.

    I've not been resident in Trinidad for decades, and some of the nuances of the current music scene may escape me, but I am very much aware that you're a prolific composer and producer of music for the pan, and for calypsonians in general.

    One of the main reasons I post videos to the INTERNET is to display to the world the breath of musical talent in the Caribbean, and particularly in Trinidad and Tobago.

    This includes the panists, arrangers, composers, band leaders and musicians of every stripe. I try to make my videos as informative as possible, but some of my older videos copied for television were posted when a lot of information was not available.

    I based some of the information on comments by TV reporters or even from watching the videos several times so as to identify arrangers etc. from the banners.

    I must admit that nowadays it is a lot easier to get the information, but old bad habits die slowly, and I apologise once again for oversights that may occur due to mental lapses, or from ignorance.

    As usual, I implore everyone that if you see an error or omission in any of my postings please notify me either by personal message or in the open forum if you prefer.

    Corrections will be made with due diligence.
  • As usual, no mention of the composer of the lyrics and producer of the recording, yours truly, Alvin daniell


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