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  • Nygee, Thanks man... I'm certainly not as "fluent" as I should be and it's far from effortless, but it's something that I've worked at over the last 6 years or so - I've been playing for about fifteen years, but really shedding jazz for about the last six. I've tried more recently to get away from practicing specific lines and concentrate more on different concepts... more than anything I love the music and I listen to it constantly. Thanks again...
  • Man you've got something that i've been trying to get for the past 10 years and more ------ those jazz licks ---- i've listened to alot of panmen play jazz , there are some good ones but what i hear from you is really impressive man. You definitely understand and speak the language of jazz fluently and effortlessly.
    How did you came across those kinds of lines man? I love jazz but my improv needs alot of work ........
    Keep up the excellent work man and thanks for spreading the sound of pan at such a high level.
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