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  • {FYI} Southern Marines Steel Orchestra took up occupancy at its present location since the mid 1970's.

    I was informed that the band's average practice sessions ends at 10.30 pm.    

  • This is Trinbago, if that person can't cope with a few weeks of pan practice, then I suggest they move to New York, the police here have no compassion or understanding of our culture. I'm not promoting violence, but back in the day in La Brea, when the shop owners would get us angry we would wait till 1:00 am and give them a shower, that would always end the stupidness, which is what Southern Marines are going through right now.

  • From what I have heard, whoever are the complainants, I find they are not diehard Trinidadians, Carnival is not every day, and if the pannists have to practice for Panaroma, good Lord give them a break, this is not New York.
  • I thought is only in New York this happens?

  • Hopefully day we will come to the realization that in order to protect this culture....WE NOW NEED A PAN MINISTRY....history will certainly tell the story in the end....hope we could be around...............Salah

  • Never thought people would complain about a band practicing for Panorama. Back in the day we had the neighbours full support . We would try and finish by 11pm but sometimes it went longer . So I think you all should propose a cut off time during the week of say 10:30 during the week and maybe 11:30 on the weekend and get their feedback to try to reconcile this matter . Also practice should start at 6pm . 6:30 the latest if possible . Blessings .
  • Funny , Deanne, I heard every word , and my wife says  I'm deaf :)

    It should not be unexpected that someone in the neighborhood might complain about noise from panorama practice .

    I would suggest communicating with the neighbors . It my be that the complainants are few; there shouldn't be a problem unless a majority is unhappy .

    After all , this is Trinidad , not New York City .

    Some politicking may be necessary , but Scobie should be able to handle that .

  • Can hardly hear what you are saying love, obviously there is a lot of practice going on.. 

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