Rebecca (North Zone Champs 1983)

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TrinidadAllStars says, Trinidad All Stars won the North Zone Panorama title in 1983 with this performance of Blueboy's Rebecca, arranged by Leon 'Smooth' Edwards. Many pan fans wonder to this day whether the outcome of the finals would have been different, had this performance been replicated on final night. You be the judge.

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  • I admit I may be biased, but this is SOME kind of performance!

    And the quality of the video for 1983 isn't bad, either.

    Nice one, All Stars!

  • In the preliminary round of Panorama 1983, the bands still went down the drag and across the stage playing their panorama selection .

    That year I accompanied Trinidad All Stars as they went down the drag and across the stage performing this tune.
    Clive Bradley's winning arrangement for Desperadoes has become a classic, and rightly so, but for years I was convinced that All Stars' had the best version of "Rebecca' played that year.

    That was the year I truly became an Trinidad All Stars fan.

  • I remember this night well. Despers performed as well as they could, but had no answer for this performance. Shame the Stars played too fast on final night

  • This performance is tame compared to Desperados on the final night. Something's wrong with those Pan fans?

  • That was a verygood performance . Hats off to All Stars.

  • Are you serious?

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