Renegades "Pan Earthquake" ( Lord Kitchener ) A Jit Samaroo arrangement

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Pan people , I would like to make a bold prediction.One day , hopefully in the not too distant future , Trinidadians will figure out a way to use their colorful carnival parade to feature the steelband in such a way as to capture the world's attention, and to re-introduce the steelband to the world in its proper format.When that happens , some casual music fans may be inspired to search out serious , high quality steelband music.When they do , they will seek out the masters , and among them they will discover the legacy of the great Dr. Jit Samaroo.Ladies and gentlemen , Jit Samaroo was a freakin' genius !Thanks to the work of audio engineer Sanch Sandiford we are fortunate to have a high quality audio catalog of Jit's best work ; music that can be heard, enjoyed , analyzed and appreciated for the intricate flow of Jit's arrangements.I personally prefer to enjoy my music while driving , or using headphones in the workout gym , and the quality of Sanch's recordings make headphone listening a pleasurable experience , unlike lesser quality recordings of steelband music.The Renegade Steel Orchestra recordings "A Panorama Saga I and II" offer a musical treat for any steelband aficionado , and I would urge everyone to add a copy to their music collection , if they haven't already done so.This arrangement of Lord Kitchener's "Pan Earthquake" came up in rotation on my Ipod while working out the other day , and reminded me of the greatness of the legendary steelband man , Dr. Jit Samaroo.He has left us , but his legacy remains.May he Rest in Peace....

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