Robbie Greenidge "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"," A Christmas Song"

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Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and a Bright and Prosperous New Year, here are two selections from Robbie Greenidge's fine1995 Christmas album "Steel Pan Music Christmas Style"

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  • So clear and sweet! Wish the picture was Caribbean where bougainvillea reigns supreme at Xmas!

  • Sweet . Almost 20 years old . Still sounds like today . Merry
    Christmas Blessings everyone .
  • What a player, Clean, crisp, well balance. His playing is so Smooth, one can sense that he is a classically trained


  • THANKS for always posting the best music, GlenRoy.

    May you have a peaceful and joyful Christmas and all the best in 2014 !

  • I  had just gotten grow skin Glenroy,,Beautiful,,

  • Fantastic music, takes me back home to the atmosphere of Christmas and the palm and coconut trees swaying.  Keep up the great work, what a gift.

  • Robbie has the best touch, always smooth.

  • Loving it bruv!!!

  • Well done Robbie.....

  • Mr Joseph you deserve thumbs-up one more for posting beautiful pan music. Robbie Greenidge is my

    favourite tenor pan player---he is the best!!

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