Robert Greenidge - "Just Listen!"

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  • Not enough could be said of this virtuoso pannist Robert Grennidge but its typical of all the great talent T&T has produced over the years. One can only be grateful for living in the era of this greatness. My only regret is if I donr live to see Robbie duking it out with his peers and by that I mean  Mile Davis, Kenny G and all the soloists who are not in his musical realm of versatility..I know the world will be impressed as well as surprised at what this instrument can really do Like I said it will hurt if I go before that happens. There are still many who think of a steel drum as an act on a beach under a coconut tree.  They need to be informed..


  • I have said this over and over again 'Robbie" has the sweetest hands on any steel pan, no one in the WORLD

    has ever came close to his style of playing. This is what I call a Gift from God. His touch is captivating to the

    ear and soul, he is in a class by him-self. This piece of music could never be duplicated by anyone else in

    my life time, and even if the musical score is written for them to play, I don't think they can do it on the steel

    pan. Perhaps someone out there can prove me wrong......then bring it on I'll be waiting. Happy Birthday

    Robbie, God's Blessings



  •  I to address a comment made by Hollis Marcelle, another great  pannist from Trinidad&Tobago.To me he is the best till present. I don't compare him to any other.There are many other great ones,too many to mention. Just one that come to mind that is worth listening to, FH3. Robert Greenidge is like the Michael Jordan of pan and I believe he deserves the international recognition due to him. A genius and very gifted player and musician that is # 1 and then the rest

  • Classic Robbie G.  Does anyone have him doing Dizzy's "Night in Tunisia"?  He tears it up. 

  • The man's great. Does anyone have Othello Molineaux, pannist?
  • A musician with an exquisite taste for the tonal quality of the instrument, Robert continues to demonstrate his capacity for playing the pan with a zest and ardor that appeals both locally and internationally to those who know him, know about him, and also to those who have never come into contact with him. With hands of a master at work, trust me...this is Robert Greenidge at home on the steelpan, both within and without himself. In real terms, another son of the soil par excellence. So when is he going to get national recognition...I wonder......

    Your control of the instrument is great.One can sense that you came from a classical background as far as playing the PAN is concerned.For example Festival or Classical concerts. Very Nice.

                                                                                                                 The Web.

  • Robert,

                People want to know if you are arraging for Desperadoes in 2012 (lol)

  • Stardust-- a fabulous rendition to a beautiful classic song.  Thanks, Robert!
  • I have seen and heard this live at North Texas University,back in mid-nineties,andI am still astonished at the dexterity and wonderful rendition of Stardust.TERRIFIC.



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