Rootsman - "Miami Vibes" (1987) a Leston Paul arrangement.

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I believe that the driving force behind the sound of soca calypso music of the nineteen eighties and nineties was the arranging style of one of our best and most prolific arrangers, Leston Paul.Don't believe me?Check out the popular artists of that era, from Baron, Scrunter, Rootsman, and Penguin to Duke, Crazy, Brigo and even Arrow, among others.A fine example of the Leston Paul sound is Rootsman's 1987 hit "Miami Vibes".I happen to think that this is probably the best "Come to Carnival" calypso ever, and it certainly makes you want to drop everything and book a flight for the next Miami Caribbean festival.The music is sweet, sweet, sweet, and the calypso lyrics are classic." Studio One Eight Three will really be hot tonight,Dem Miami woman come out to fly dey kite"Such lyrics create a picturesque image of a Carnival fete that any carnival lover could relate to.For your enjoyment, here is Trinidad calypsonian Rootsman (Yafeu Osei) and "Miami Vibes" which was produced and arranged by Leston Paul.I must also mention that Rootsman has one of the sweetest calypso voices I've ever heard.

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  • U can feel the BEAT !!!  In MIAMI is where I am....

  • YES !  Had heard this for years...but just now...know who is singing !  Thanks Glenroy.  And as always I learn something from you...this time about Leston Paul.

  • Kaiso is the damn ting yes boy! We need to go back to dem  days and music.

  • Incidentally , my second ant third favorite "Come to Carnival" calypsos are both by the Mighty Sparrow. They are "Mas in Brooklyn" and "Trinidad Carnival"

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