Rupert Clemendore & Davor Kajfes -rehearsal session 1972

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On the subject of talented Trinidad musicians. here is the multi-talented Rupert Clemendore ( You remember him , don't you Errol Cedric Lewis?) with internationally famed jazz pianist and composer Davor Kajfes who originally hailed from Zagreb , Croatia.Rupert's Trinidad recordings on the Cook label featured him on vibraphone , but he was a versatile ant talented musician , as you can see.

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  • Just to remind the "Trinis should leave Jazz to the Yankees " crowd that Trinis have been playing jazz from the beginning.

    I remember hearing local jazz sessions on the radio in the nineteen fifties.

    Before your time , Claude Gonzales.

  • Thanks for this. Added to the wonderful memories of his music I have in my head.

  • For those who may  forget the many great and talented  musicians and artists to emerge from our twin isles of T&T , here's one for you !

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