"Salut d'amour" by Silver Stars Steel Orchestra

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Edward Elgar's nineteenth century classic "Salut d'amour" was another classic "bomb tune" hit arranged by Edgar "Junior" Pouchet for Silver Stars steel Orchestra in the nineteen sixties .This is a typical example of the type of bomb tune arrangement that was played on the streets of Port of Spain (and San Fernando, I might add) at Carnival, in what was a golden era for the bomb tune.

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  • Keep on rolling back the years.Could never ever come back

  • Thanks for the memories this brings. My uncle was a friend of Junior Pouchet and I remember being in SilverStars when they played this crying my eyes out and laughing with joy. It brought all those sweet days of the Bomb competition and all the people the excitement and newness of the Steelband's venturing out further that they thought they could go. It was the sweetest time for me. I will treasure it for ever. Missing Junior and Edwin and my uncle and giving thanks for being around when they were there.

  • Thanks !

  • This is a tune that is a tear-jerker! Sweet and precise

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