Silver Stars Steel Orchestra "The Abduction from the Seraglio"(1970) arranged by Junior Pouchet

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From their 1970 album "Steelband Carnival", Silver Stars interpretation of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "The Abduction from The Seraglio".Like most of Silver Stars music of that era, this was arranged by their estimable leader and arranger Junior Pouchet.

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  • Thanks for the verification, Alvin
  • This was definitely Junior Pouchet
  • I would like to credit the arranger of this piece but as usual with older albums, there was no information on the liner notes.

    I would tend to believe it was their legendary former leader and arranger, Junior Pouchett, but I cannot verify this.
  • Ghose Riders will never die, like so many others.


  • 0h, how I remember those days, Beautiful memories.  Thank U Glenroy.



  • A Beautiful walk down memory lane ...What a Sunday evening I am having.
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