Sonatas - Pan in New York 2010 - Hot Special

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This is the video special of Sonatas Steel Orchestra playing "Battle Zone" as captured by Basement Recordings two days before they won the 2010 panorama. Go to to experience other bands captured for the Pan in New York cd project. Other bands include Despers USA, Sesame Flyers, Crossfire, D'Radoes and Pantonic.

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  • Very Fine Feeling........And This Orchestra is Really "Hot Special"!!!
  • Magnificently done. Keep up the good work.

  • I congratulate Master arranger Yohan Popwell on his great piece of music that he gave to the Sonatas Steel Orch. The band did a wonderful job, They seemed so well discipled in their performance like a band well rehearsed. It looks like Popwell will be one of the arrangers of the future. He seems so more well rounded than any of the other arrangers on the New York Steelband circuit. His big test in in the real Battle Zone, Queen Park Savannah the Mecca of The Steelband Panorama music. I wish him well.
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