Sparrow Come Back Home - Mighty Sparrow (Calypso Crown Winner 1962)

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!962 was another winning year for the Mighty Sparrow.That year, he won the calypso crown with his take on the dissolution of the short lived West Indian "Federation", and this classic, "Sparrow Come Back Home"As in many of his recordings of that era, Sparrow was backed by the legendary March of Dimes Quartet featuring:Nap Hepburn, Conrad "Laddie" Prescott, Marjorie Johnson, and Allan Haynes.

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  • Glenroy, I always loved this calypso along with Federation. I Clearly remember Carnival Sunday night at the Calypso King competition when he beat the pants off of all other competitors. As a matter of fact, I was always invited to sing these two songs at family and other gatherings during my early teens and accompanying myself on the guitar back in Trinidad. Incidentally, I am looking for the song "Race Track Scandal" I believe I have all of the Millenium CDs and this song is not on them, I am subject to correction here. Does anyone have this song. It was on a RCA 45. Best wishes to all members of  "When Steel Talks"

    Albert John Simon.  

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