Sparrow's "Melda" (Obeah Wedding) by Desperadoes Steel Orchestra (Panorama Winners -1966)

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Desperadoes classic panorama winner of 1966, Sparrow's "Melda".An arrrangement by Beverly Griffith.

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  • This Arrangement is SUPERB and it's still one of my Favorites . Another is" Hold On To Yer Man" which was in 1965 . You should listen to these 2 tunes closely to get an idea of how intricate these arrangements are . Masterpieces I must say . Thanks .

  • I remember this arrangement by Beverly Griffith caused quite a stir , back in the day. The talk was about how Beverly jazzed up the arrangement.

    This was an innovative arrangement  in 1966, and a worthy Panorama winner.

    Beverly Griffith has to be recognized as one of the most accomplished musicians to emerge from T&T, as a keyboard player, a big band and steelband arranger, and also for his longevity as a contributor to the culture.

  • I always felt that beverly was way too underrated, both as an arranger, as well as an innovator. Does anyone have a recording of his collaboration with Scipio Sargent, with those great Hendrix like guitar sounds?
  • wow
    great memories thank s to glenroy
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