Starlift Steel Orchestra "I feel Pretty" (1963) arranged by Ray Holman
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You need to be a member of When Steel Talks to add comments!
Very nice! I remember this.
Lovely Memories
Thanks for the memories. West Side Story of course was "The Movie"; we were all Jets and knew all the songs. And this particular one, with that bass line reverberating in a jammed up St. Vincent Street, just past Globe cinema that J'ouvert morning was pure delight. BTW, speaking of Holman, one of his earliest compositions was a piece for Invaders called "Ray's Saga", composed while he was a teenager in college. Anyone remember this?
Sorry, Michaele, I don't have that tune. To be honest, I don't recall ever hearing it either.
@ GLENROY... See the older posts below.
Sandra, in 2011, asked for another cut on this record:
"Bes you is my woman now" back WHEN YOU 1ST POSTED THIS.
Can you post this NOW please? Arranged by Ray Holman.
Isn't it the original, from Porgy & Bess by Louis Armstrong..done also by Ella Fitgerald?
Talking about how to PROMOTE band music...I would love to have CDs now of
various steel pan arrangers, like a retropective...of what they have done...esp. prolific ones,
like Ray Holman..who has used many genres of song, to arrange for pan, over many years.
Wish some one would take up a project like this. ?? Musicilogists and recording enegineers...of TnT....
maybe UWI students ?? Come on now...this is a MARKET for this type of CD...
Some one...set up a new record label...and re-record...package this music
for ALL THE WORLD TO LEARN FROM AND ENJOY ! Some other member, Cynthia,
posted another ACCURATE comment...this kind of music is like VINTAGE WINE.
My comment is not only highly drinkable & enjoyable...but MARKET-ABLE AND PROFITABLE !
This sweet bomb tune is typical of the type of tunes the steelbands favored in the sixties, for parties and for the road.
I was watching the classic old musical movie "My Fair Lady" the other day ( I still have a weakness for old musicals), and it dawned on me that just about every tune in that movie was played by steelbands in the sixties, most at calypso tempo on the road.
We old time panmen were strongly influenced by musical movies back in the day.
I never liked musicals until I started "beatin' pan".
I remember once a group of us when to see "The Music Man", and next thing you know, we were playing "78 Trombones"!
On the road!
Nice to hear everybody talking about Starlift,But I guess that you all don't know anything about Starlift,If you all did't not call the name ERROL P. ZEPHYRINE.The greatest pan-aranger.I gone.
In Starlift you just had to Feel Pretty with all the Pretty Music and all those Pretty Dames . Indeed they are a very
Pretty Band .
Ron Emrit the rest tune for "I feel pretty" was "Phospherine"......I say so because I get the impression you have the tunes as diffrent years
I think 63 was de year they played ''Teenage Millionaire"